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Reiki Certification Los Angeles: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Healer

Reiki is a profound Japanese practice that can bring vast benefits to self and others through spiritually guided life force energy healing. At its core, reiki healing is an essentially simple yet powerful technique that anyone can learn, making reiki certification in Los Angeles accessible to all, regardless of experience. This reiki master certification course is the crucial first step for those seeking to become reiki practitioners and tap into the transformative potential of energy healing therapy.
Whether you are a seasoned bodyworker or a complete beginner to holistic healing, reiki certification near me equips you with the Level 1 attunement to channel reiki energy through your hands. In this reiki certification Los Angeles class, you will learn reiki self-treatment techniques, explore your experiences with the flow of ki, and get hands-on training to harness the power of angelic reiki for physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Reiki Los Angeles ca offers a pathway to becoming an adept reiki practitioner through comprehensive reiki classes that lay the foundations for mastering reiki healing therapy.

Reiki Certification

What is Reiki?

Definition of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing therapy based on the notion that all humans have energy fields or life forces that keep us alive. Its purpose is to promote good health by balancing these energy fields through a Reiki practitioner who redirects energy by placing their hands on or just above the recipient’s body. Reiki is a complementary or alternative health approach that does not directly cure diseases or illnesses, but is used to manage and improve overall well-being.

Origins and Meaning of the Word Reiki

The word “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. Together, “Reiki” translates to “spiritually guided life force energy.” The predominant form practiced worldwide today, known as Usui Reiki, was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. However, the concept of Reiki as a mysterious force or spiritual energy has been recognized for upwards of 5,000 years, with its earliest occurrence found in ancient Chinese oracular inscriptions.

Principles and Benefits of Reiki

The philosophy of Reiki is rooted in five principles that provide guidance for healing and balancing one’s Reiki energy. These principles, taught by Dr. Usui, are often used as mantras to promote spiritual and personal growth, helping individuals live a healthier, more fulfilling, and balanced life.
Research suggests that Reiki may help reduce pain and anxiety, improve mood and sense of well-being, and aid in managing depression. It is a noninvasive practice believed to be safe, with no known harmful side effects. While Reiki does not replace doctor-approved treatment plans, it aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote relaxation through energy healing.

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Reiki Certification Levels

Reiki Level 1 (The Awakening)

Reiki first degree, also known as Level 1 or Shoden, is focused on teaching students everything they need to know about the art of Reiki. Here, you will be taught the meaning of Reiki and what it can do for you. It is the time where masters will give you an in-depth description about Reiki, including its origins, how to give Reiki, and the proper way of using it. After all the concepts are taught and your mental, emotional, and physical nature is thoroughly prepared, hands-on self-healing practice will take place. Upon completion of the first degree Reiki training, you will know how to use the Reiki energy for self-healing. This same energy can also be channeled to help others, more specifically friends and family. First degree Reiki will also stimulate personal and spiritual growth as well as self-discovery!

During Level 1, the focus is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the practitioner to connect to the universal life force energy, which flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands. Many Reiki masters emphasize self-Reiki as the goal of the Level 1 designation, encouraging students to focus on practicing Reiki on themselves, thereby working through their own obstacles. Typically, the Level 1 course also includes an overview of the history of Reiki.

Reiki Level 2 (The Practitioner Level)

The completion of the first degree leads you to a deeper understanding of how to use this wonderful modality on a professional level as you enter the second degree level, also known as Okuden or Level 2.You have completed your 21-day Reiki detox and are now ready to fully treat others with Reiki therapy. This level is geared towards fully preparing you to establish a healing practice as well as more deeply immersing yourself with the energy. Reiki will continue to promote growth, mindfulness, spiritual awareness, and self-healing.

During the second level of Reiki training, the flow of Reiki energy within you intensifies. You can further enhance your abilities through the use of the great Reiki symbols which will be bestowed upon you. Distance healing or planetary healing becomes possible. As such, you will be able to heal another person even if they are ten thousand miles away! You will now be qualified to practice Reiki on clients with complete confidence and thus begin your career as a spiritual healer.

Level 2 gives students the skills to practice Reiki on others and open energy channels more deeply. Students also receive their symbols during this level. There are typically three to five symbols in Reiki, and each one corresponds to a specific energy (power, harmony, distance, mastery, and completion). Students are expected to use these symbols to bring the universal energy of Reiki into their everyday lives in more practical ways. The symbols can also help people provide Reiki over long distances or send healing energy wherever it may be needed in the world.

Reiki Level 3 (Reiki Master)

The final initiation and certification into the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing is the Reiki Master level, also known as Shinpiden or Level 3.The student will have completed Reiki Levels 1 and 2 under the guidance of an expert master teacher and have turned in all the required admission materials to be accepted into this level.

This 3-day workshop will include a recap of Level 2, meditation, the final attunement and the master symbol, practice of advanced Reiki techniques used by top masters around the world, practice of all techniques learned from Levels 1 and 2 on a real client, understanding all aspects of how to attune others to all levels of Reiki, learning how to formulate classes and in-depth trainings, how to guide and facilitate meditation classes and Reiki circles, reception of certification as a Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), how to teach and grow a Reiki community and build a solid practice, and ethics of being a Reiki Master.

In many courses, the Third Degree and Reiki Master are the same designation. However, some teachers separate Level 3 from Reiki Master. The Reiki Master Level is traditionally considered the teacher’s level, and masters are able to attune new Reiki practitioners. However, many receive the master attunement, along with the corresponding symbol, yet don’t feel comfortable or practiced in properly attuning others—hence the distinction between Third Degree and Reiki Master.

Becoming a Reiki Master represents a deep commitment to this healing work, therefore to qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki 1 & 2, practiced Second Degree for at least 6 months and is able to draw the 3 symbols of Reiki 2 from memory. The Reiki Master training is usually pursued by those who want to teach Reiki to others. One is considered a Reiki master when they can give all the attunements, know all the symbols, and have taught others.

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Reiki Certification
Reiki Certification

Reiki Level 1 Training

Course Overview

Reiki Level 1 training is the foundational step for individuals interested in becoming reiki practitioners. It introduces the principles, history, and fundamentals of reiki energy healing. This profound practice can bring vast benefits to self and others through spiritually guided life force energy healing. At its core, reiki healing is an essentially simple yet powerful technique that anyone can learn, making reiki certification in Los Angeles accessible to all, regardless of experience.

In this reiki certification Los Angeles class, you will receive the Level 1 attunement, which opens and aligns your chakras to the reiki energy, enhancing your ability to channel and transmit healing energy. You will learn reiki self-treatment techniques, explore your experiences with the flow of ki (life force energy), and get hands-on training to harness the power of angelic reiki for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Learning Objectives

Upon completing Reiki Level 1 training, you will be able to:

  • Understand the background, principles, and elements of reiki.
  • Perform self-treatments and provide reiki treatments for friends, family, and pets.
  • Explore the history and origins of reiki, tracing its roots in ancient healing practices.
  • Grasp the fundamental concepts of the human energy system, including the chakra system.
  • Learn various hand positions for self-treatments and treatments of others.
    Practice Japanese reiki techniques taught by Mikao Usui.
Curriculum and Activities

The Reiki Level 1 training curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to reiki energy healing. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Introduction to Reiki: Dive deep into the essence of this age-old practice, grasping the foundational concepts, significance, and profound benefits of reiki.
  • Reiki’s Origins and Evolution: Trace the genesis and subsequent evolution of reiki, witnessing how Eastern wisdom melded with Western adaptations to shape the practice we know today.
  • Reiki Principles and Tenets: Unpack the Five Reiki Principles, which form the philosophical backbone of the practice, guiding practitioners in their healing journey.
  • Energy Pathways and Chakras: Introduce yourself to the chakras and meridians, intricate components of our body’s energy framework, and understand their role in overall well-being.
  • Preparatory Practices: Understand the significance of grounding and meditation, ensuring clarity, focus, and optimal energy flow during reiki sessions.
  • Self-healing Techniques: Learn techniques to channel reiki’s restorative energy for personal well-being, focusing on various hand positions for self-treatments.
  • Hands-on Practice: Gain hands-on experience by practicing reiki on yourself and others, developing sensitivity to energy and understanding the giving and receiving of reiki healing.
  • Reiki History and Background: Delve into the history and origins of reiki, discovering its roots in ancient healing practices.
  • Reiki Session Basics: Learn about session preparation, steps, and various reiki techniques, including Japanese techniques taught by Mikao Usui.
  • Experiential Learning: Engage in lectures, discussions, and experiential practices to deepen your understanding and application of reiki principles and techniques.

The Reiki Level 1 training provides a solid foundation for your reiki journey, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to practice reiki on yourself and share its healing benefits with loved ones.

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Reiki Level 2 Training

In Reiki Level 2, you will be introduced to three symbols and kotodama to learn how to use Reiki for mental and emotional healing.


The prerequisite for Reiki Level 2 training is to have completed Reiki Level 1 and practiced daily self-Reiki for at least 21 days after receiving the Level 1 attunement. This practice period allows you to integrate the Reiki energy and prepare for the next level of training.

Course Content

In the Reiki Level 2 class, you will learn:


  • Three Reiki Symbols: You will be taught the meaning, function, vibration, and connected chakras of three powerful Reiki symbols.
  • Using Symbols for Healing: You will learn how to use these symbols to deepen your connection with Reiki energy and heal physical, mental, and emotional ailments.
  • Distance Healing: Reiki Level 2 training equips you with the ability to perform remote Reiki healing, transcending time and space dimensions.
  • Advanced Techniques: You will be introduced to more Reiki techniques and receive hands-on training to enhance your healing abilities.

The Reiki Level 2 training typically lasts for one day and includes:


  • Comprehensive manual
  • Reiki Level 2 attunement
  • Hands-on practice sessions
  • Certificate of completion

The tuition for Reiki Level 2 training is typically around $350, which covers the attunement, materials, and certification.

Practical Experiences

Reiki Level 2 attunement further opens and aligns your chakras, increasing the energy flow in your body. It primarily works on the mental and emotional bodies, clearing and resolving areas that need healing, facilitating spiritual growth, and allowing you to progress in life.

With Reiki Level 2 training, you become a qualified practitioner, equipped to apply Reiki energy and techniques to clients if you choose. You learn how to send Reiki to a person at a distance, and additional symbols are provided to empower the healing process. Numerous experiments have proven that distance healing can be just as effective as in-person treatments.

Quantum physics experiments have demonstrated that particles can remain connected and react simultaneously, even when separated by vast distances. This phenomenon, known as “spooky action at a distance,” supports the validity of distant healing in Reiki.

Upon completing the Reiki Level 2 training, you will receive a certificate of completion and a comprehensive manual covering the following topics:


  • The power symbol
  • Mental and emotional symbol
  • Distance symbol for distant healing
  • Advanced treatment techniques
  • Face-to-face communication
  • Setting up your own healing practice
  • Attunement (initiation)
  • Journal and manual for each student

Reiki Level 2 training deepens your understanding and practice of Reiki, enabling you to provide progressive healing to yourself, family, friends, and pets. It also equips you to expand your practice to the community as a volunteer or professional practitioner.

During the training, you will learn the mantras and applications of the two Reiki symbols you will be attuned to. You will also learn hands-on techniques and chakra balancing or clearing methods. The training includes guided meditation to deepen your practice and hands-on Reiki practice with classmates under the supervision of a Reiki Master Teacher.

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Reiki Certification
Reiki Certification

Reiki Master Training

The Reiki Master Training is the highest level of certification in the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing. It represents a deep commitment to the healing work and requires specific prerequisites to qualify for this advanced training.

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for the Reiki Master Training, a student must have completed Reiki Level 1 and Level 2, practiced Second Degree for at least 6 months, and be able to draw the 3 symbols of Reiki Level 2 from memory. This prerequisite ensures that the student has gained sufficient experience and understanding of Reiki before progressing to the Master level.

Advanced Techniques

The Reiki Master Training equips students with advanced techniques and styles that enhance the Reiki experience for both the practitioner and the client. Some of the techniques covered include:


  • Butterfly Reiki
  • Pyramid Clearing
  • Acu-Reiki techniques

These advanced techniques, developed through extensive practice, can bring profound positive results and allow practitioners to refine their unique style of delivering an enhanced Reiki experience.

Additionally, students learn how to intuitively guide Reiki sessions, a practice known as “Reiji-ho” or “indication of the Spirit.” This technique allows practitioners to be guided by their inner awareness, determining which symbols and healing methods to use based on the client’s needs in the present moment.

Teaching and Attunement Process

A significant aspect of the Reiki Master Training is learning how to attune and initiate new students into the Reiki lineage. Students receive the Usui Master Teacher Attunement, which empowers them to pass on the gift of Reiki to others.

The attunement process involves the use of mudras (hand positions), breathwork, intentions, symbols, and the Reiki Master’s spiritual team to extend the Reiki teachings to the student’s lineage. The symbolic meaning of the attunements is to connect with Earthly and Heavenly energies, opening the heart and intuition of the student.

During the training, students learn:


  • The Master symbol for soul connection with the universe
  • How to use the Master symbol and the other 3 symbols learned in Level 2 to heal and restore energy in all dimensions
  • Refining their connection with Reiki
  • More Reiki techniques and hands-on training

The Reiki Master Training typically lasts for several days and covers various aspects, such as:


  • The Usui Master symbol
  • Two additional Tibetan symbols, totaling six symbols
  • Instruction on giving Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 attunements
  • Instruction on giving Reiki Master attunements
  • Practice giving attunements
  • Receiving the Reiki Master attunement
  • Using Master symbols during Reiki treatments
  • Chakra balancing techniques, smudging, and using a pendulum
  • Teaching a class: preparation, class materials, and class flow tips
  • Addressing questions and challenges
  • Reiki Master Teacher Manual and printed materials
  • Follow-up email with additional materials in PDF format
  • Class certificate

The Reiki Master Training is a transformative experience that empowers students to become teachers and ambassadors of Reiki, spreading the healing benefits of this ancient practice to a wider audience.

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Benefits of Reiki Certification

Personal Growth and Healing

Reiki certification offers profound opportunities for personal growth and healing on multiple levels. The practice of Reiki promotes a heightened state of mindfulness, fostering self-awareness and inner peace. As you progress through the levels, you’ll experience a gradual release of negative attitudes and limiting beliefs that may have held you back. This liberating process allows you to attract more positive experiences into your life and align with your true purpose.

The regular practice of Reiki meditation can provide powerful insights and clarity, helping you understand personal experiences from a deeper perspective. These flashes of insight can shed light on life’s challenges, enabling you to learn valuable lessons and avoid repeating difficult situations. Additionally, Reiki attunements open and align your chakras, facilitating the flow of life force energy and promoting emotional healing.
As you progress through the Reiki levels, you’ll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and holistic healing. The attunements and principles of Reiki foster personal and spiritual development, bringing balance and harmony into your life. Many practitioners report experiencing vivid dreams, improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and a profound sense of inner peace and happiness.

Professional Opportunities

Reiki certification opens up various professional opportunities for practitioners to share the healing benefits of this ancient practice. As a certified Reiki practitioner, you can establish your own healing practice, volunteer in healthcare facilities, or collaborate with complementary and alternative medicine centers or spas.

The demand for holistic and integrative therapies is on the rise, creating a growing market for Reiki practitioners. Many healthcare facilities now encourage the use of complementary therapies like Reiki alongside conventional treatments, recognizing their potential to promote overall well-being.

Reiki practitioners have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives by assisting them in their healing journeys. This rewarding aspect of the profession allows you to give back to your community while pursuing a fulfilling career path.

Holistic Wellness Promotion

Reiki certification equips you with the knowledge and skills to promote holistic wellness for yourself and others. Scientific studies confirm that Reiki can reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure, relieve pain, and support the body’s natural healing abilities by calming the nervous system.

As a Reiki practitioner, you’ll learn to channel universal life force energy, unlocking and moving the flow of energy throughout the physical body and aura field. This process cleanses and replenishes the recipient’s energy, allowing them to experience mental clarity, reduced stress, and physical healing.

Reiki aligns with the principles of naturopathic medicine, promoting a holistic approach to health and well-being. By combining Reiki with naturopathic assessment and treatment components, you can facilitate a comprehensive journey towards physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

The practice of Reiki encourages adherence to the Five Reiki Principles, which foster ethical living, mindfulness, and compassion. These principles create a foundation for personal healing and the ability to effectively guide others on their healing paths.

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After analyzing the reiki certification journey and the profound benefits it offers, it’s clear that embarking on this path can be a transformative experience. Reiki cultivates personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual awareness while also opening doors to rewarding professional opportunities as a practitioner. [Reiki Certification Los Angeles buy this Course] Ultimately, reiki empowers individuals to promote holistic wellness for themselves and others, unlocking the body’s innate healing abilities and fostering a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit.

As you contemplate your next steps, remember that the reiki journey is a continuous process of self-discovery and growth. Whether you seek personal transformation or a fulfilling vocation, reiki certification provides the tools to navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity, compassion, and inner peace. Embrace the principles of reiki, and you’ll unlock a profound connection to the universal life force energy that flows within and around us all.


What is the duration required to become a certified Reiki healer?

Becoming a full Reiki master, capable of teaching others, typically requires up to three years of training. During this period, you should consistently practice Reiki on both yourself and others. Your training will include the essential Reiki core curriculum, which is necessary to register with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).

What are the prerequisites and training process to become a Reiki healer?

No previous experience or specific qualifications are required to start training as a Reiki healer. Reiki is known for its simplicity and can be learned in roughly ten hours of in-person training, usually conducted in a group setting. The training does not necessitate prior knowledge of subtle bioenergy or healthcare.

What certifications are available for Reiki practitioners?

While obtaining professional certification in Reiki is optional, it is available through organizations such as the Reiki Licensing Commission for Reiki Masters and Healers (RLCRMH) or the International Association of Reiki Practitioners (IARP).

How can I get my Reiki course accredited?

To have a Reiki course accredited, particularly within the healthcare sector, an application must be submitted to Skills for Health for endorsement. This application can be made by awarding bodies or other entities proposing a new qualification.

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