Fresh Jurema Rapé (hapé) – 1 oz


Jurema helps us with embodying our awareness.

JUREMA snuff (Mimosa hostilis) is the spirit of the Jurema is definitely present in this mix, it has a very flying but uplifting effect. Jurema is a plant of truly amazing power. Their snuff is considered the strongest in our drug store. It is used by the natives of Pernambuco, an indigenous Fulni-o tribe. They have been working with jurema tea and its snuff for many thousands of years. Jurema gives us the opportunity to be more who we are and help strengthen our communication and harmony with the spirits of nature and mother Tiera. It has been observed in people who take this snuff in the ayahuasca medicine ceremony, it brings us a great cleansing and harmonious growth of the auric field. It also gives us the power to listen carefully and carefully to our own feelings and those of our siblings. This is special of the spirit of jurema in tea or in snuff.