Emotional Cord Cutting
There are energetic cords that connect us to everyone in our lives, past and present, through which people can “pull” on your energy, leaving you feeling tired and off-center. Emotional Cord Cutting, passed down by the Mystery School, disconnects these emotional cords so you stop losing energy to other people – especially to people who are no longer part of your life like ex-partners, ex-coworkers and bosses, etc., or who you feel “suck you dry.” After the Emotional Cord Cutting, the Mystery School discovered you’ll feel a strong sense of freedom, liberation, and refreshment.
A very popular session. If you have gone through a break-up, divorce, or if there is someone that you just can’t let go of or you feel that they have a difficult time letting go of you, this session helps!
It will remove emotional cords that connect you and drain your energy. This will help you get your energy back to you so you can use it to create the life you desire.
Emotional cords form energetic links between you and other people or situations. Although some cords with children and spouses are appropriate, the Mystery School teaches most of the cords we have are unhealthy and create an unbalanced dependency or co-dependency with other people. The Mystery School found negative cords can form when we have traumatic experiences, or from a sense of betrayal, guilt, blame, anger, depression, or attachment of any kind. Because of its intimacy and intensity, sexual interaction, even a deep kiss, results in being corded for seven years!
When a cord has formed between two people, energy flows between them even if they are no longer in each other’s lives or in physical proximity. If negative emotional patterns are associated with that relationship, person, or experience, your energy and life force can become drained and depleted, keeping you stuck in patterns of the past. Once your cords are cut through the Mystery School’s process, you are free to reconnect with those who are important to you! As a result, you can establish your current relationships on a new and healthier level, with new energy and a new focus.
Negative Spell Removal
Transmutes any negative energy you’ve picked up.
Restores a more natural energetic balance by removing disharmonious or misplaced energy. It can also clear negative energy that is directed intentionally from one person to another.
Thoughts are things, and other people’s thoughts about you can affect your life, for better or worse. A negative “effect” can be as little as intentional negative thoughts directed toward you by another person, such as someone swearing at you during rush hour traffic, or as much as an outright curse or psychic attack. In this simple but powerful process, all negative energies are reversed, cleared, and sent back to where they came from, to be used in accordance to the light.
Negative energy removal clears psychic and mental blocks, helping you feel more centered, at ease, and in control of your own life. Once you have been cleared of such negative influences you may once again experience the splendors of life. Clearing away the interference from other people’s negative thoughts and projections towards us is appropriate for anyone, and is something we recommend everyone to consider receiving on a periodic basis. If we give our car an oil change every 3,000 miles, shouldn’t we treat ourselves with at least the same regard and get an energy tune up every three months?

Good Spell Casting
- Brings in positive energy to support you moving forward.
- This service brings in good fortune for overall well-being.
King Salomon Healing Modality (KSHM)
These healing modalities date back 3,500 years to King Salomon. The son of King David, King Salomon studied in spirituality and healing for his entire life. King Salomon established the greatest singular temple ever built and gathered from around the world all the head shamans, prophets, oracles, healers, medicine people and alchemists to study with him. The result of this exchange of information was the development of universal healing techniques as well as many hermetic and alchemical arts and knowledge.
This healing series is a deeply transformational process that involves many layers of the human energy system, including all the physical energy bodies – from the aura, to the chakras, to the etheric body, and more. As humans we house our traumas in the body physically and energetically. We can release and transmute those energies, enabling us to hold the most light and balance within ourselves.

Starseed Healing
This galactic modality clears mental clutter, corrects the vibrational state of the physical body and supports awakening its natural harmony. This healing is excellent for people who are releasing emotions that no longer serve them.
It uses sound and vibration to pull out negative energy and replace it with high-vibration energy so you have access to more of your Light and energy as you manifest in life.
Starseed Healing: $300
Unified Chakra Awakening
As humanity evolves in consciousness, we now have access to 2,418 Chakra points. Through 102 of the central points, you can awaken all 2,418 centers to give people more energy, integrate their Chakra system, and progress toward their Adam Kadmon.
This galactic healing helps to integrate the spiritual body and spiritual consciousness, lighting up the physical body and 2,418 new chakras. By recalibrating the nervous system, this modality opens you to the greatness of who you are.
Unified Chakra Awakening: $200