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Spirituality is derived from the Greek noun “pneuma,” meaning the “spirit” or soul. Spirituality comes from the concern of the human soul instead of the material world around us. However, realists reside in each of us, we cannot disregard the physical material world around us and the profound effects it has on our wellbeing.

Wellbeing and healing come through the connection of both that which is external and physical and that which is within; both go hand in hand in allowing your mind, body, and soul to heal in unity. Read on to understand the art of healing and how both science and spirituality are combinative factors to consider.

Spirituality or Science?

Spirituality and science, are they complementary to one another or contradictory? As human beings, we have always been particularly fascinated with the way the world works. We hope to grasp the nature of reality, looking for truths to provide answers to who we are, where we came from, and above all, what purpose do we have?

Many hold this misconception that science contradicts that which spirituality entails. In reality, both do meet at certain points; therefore, some forms of spirituality are often backed up by science, whereas in other cases, science is used to better understand spiritual healing. The true root factor that moves these two phases apart is dogmatism. The practitioners of both wellness and spiritual healing and religion are at a crossroads with one another. Each tends to lay down principles as undeniable and so cannot acknowledge the small grey area where both interlink. To truly benefit from both practices, we must be open to understanding and perceiving new ideas.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is a direct extension of the healing done to our spiritual being that further affects our state of wellbeing and balance on all levels. One thing to note is that spiritual healing is not linked to any one particular religion; it is far from faith healing and is made for people of all ages, groups, and sizes. Spiritual healing has far since globalized and so has become an amalgam of various alternative healing and spiritual practices.

Spiritual healing involves the transfer of spiritual energy present at a deep level in our spiritual being to allow us to heal. This is usually done through the help of a healer, a practitioner who will help you overcome the barriers to energy flow so you can accept and channel healing energy for your mind, body, and soul. Such healers don’t use a single type of spiritual healing, but rather you will find a wide range of spiritual healing practices.

The set intention is to help you heal yourself; you aren’t healed by the healer but rather are able to connect with the greater universe around you through a healer. Healing itself is a completely subjective matter, and as mentioned earlier, only YOU can control your own healing. Healers only assist you along the way.

Why Do People Go For Self-Healing Or Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing is one of the most intriguing types of alternative healing. Holistic care defines a human as a social, psychological, biological, and spiritual being. We focus on three dimensions but choose to ignore the fourth, the spiritual self. But if we happen to tap into the rich energy that lies in spirituality, we can become more apparent of our illnesses and our crisis.

Many people tend to practice spiritual healing with the aim to heal their illnesses that not only take a toll on their physical wellbeing but also impact their mental wellbeing. Others choose to go for spiritual healing as a way to find balance in their lives, to calm the inner dilemmas that make it difficult to navigate life. We may often be physically well but feel drained when we deal with the constant chaos around us; spiritual healing aims to heal you of that as well. As a result, you won’t feel burnt out when things get too difficult to handle. Some individuals also choose spiritual healing as a way to love themselves, to give themselves the time they need to heal before they can move on and do wonders in their lives.

The Effects of Spirituality on Healing

Spirituality and science are two aspects that complement each other rather nicely. Scientific philosophy has us use our senses and intellects to deepen our understanding of reality. Similarly, in spiritual philosophy, we believe that our hearts and souls can help us deepen our understanding of our own nature, of our own self. In some unique way, these both depend on using our collective senses, our heart, and our intellect to understand what happens around us and within. However, note that science cannot explain all the mysteries this world holds; the void that remains is filled in by spirituality. Just as a scientist would examine the world, the spiritualist himself also examines the world. However the spiritualist does not limit himself with the physical world but goes beyond that which he sees.

Similarly, when we look at techniques employed in spiritual healing, we uncover that many are backed up by scientific research. Individuals who practice spiritual healing work on their general well-being and their concept of the self. They hope to take control of their lives and fix their social relations; healers believe that spiritual healing also has a sort of therapeutic effect on the patients. But modern studies indicate that spiritual healing can also transcend physiological and emotional wellness into the healing of medical complaints and symptoms.

Where Does Science Stand on Spiritual Healing?

  • study performed in Germany to find the perceived outcomes of spiritual healing revealed that individuals who undertook spiritual healing described an increase in general wellbeing and an alleviation of symptoms such as chronic pain, headaches, lymphedema, eye diseases, liver disease, and other medical symptoms.
  •  Other studies have shown that individuals who become frustrated by medical treatment over time, particularly those suffering from refractory or incurable diseases, often use alternative modalities. They then report that they “received” energy from their healers and feel a positive effect on their emotions.
  • You may also be interested in knowing that those who participated in spiritual practices are known to be healthier and “possess greater healing capabilities.”
  • Others suggest that people with regular spiritual practices tend to live longer.

These prompting studies have even pushed us to wonder if spirituality should be included as a core domain in oncology to measure QOL (quality of life). Results indicate that spiritual well-being was found to be associated with QOL just as much as physical well-being.

Many healthcare centers already report usage of nondrug methods such as spiritual healing to help patients, particularly in pain relief.

  • Studies have also shown that personal prayer was the most common method used to alleviate pain (76%), even more than the use of pain medication (66%). The focus here is that spiritual healing and spiritual practices do indeed have a profound impact on our overall well-being and healing and must be considered in clinical practices.
  • According to USA Weekend, over 65% of patients reported they felt better when their healthcare specialist had them discuss their spiritual beliefs. It’s important to understand that spiritual healing is often seen as a strong coping mechanism and maybe a core requirement for a patient to heal. It simply cannot be ignored.

This seems to be quite true, as several organizations have recognized the need for spiritual healing. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, for example, states that “spiritual services are an integral part of healthcare and daily life” and recommends that ‘healthcare organizations not only acknowledge the patients right to spiritual healing but also provide spiritual services for patients who request them.’  Similarly, many medical schools now offer courses on spirituality and health as a part of their curriculum.

Final Words

When we put aside our ego and our beliefs and instead wish to transcend into compassion and wellness, only then can we truly heal ourselves. As busy as life can get, we can’t allow it to sweep us away. Everyone has thoughts or feelings that lay underneath the conscious mind, and yet every now and then influences our behavior. When we choose to ignore these voices and thoughts, they can pile up and create a feeling of overwhelming distress. This is why we must heal ourselves if we wish to progress. These feelings and undealt emotions can interfere with your daily activities and function, and you alone are responsible for your actions, for how you react. Consider this, the one true thing you have complete control over is your own healing. This is why you must give yourself the time to heal and sort through the inner distress. Note, however, your spiritual beliefs may be strong, but seeking professional help from a doctor should be your priority. Rather than going for either science or spirituality to guide you, you need to employ both practices if you wish to truly heal. In a true sense, good medical care can give the physical tools needed to combat illness, but spiritual healing will take you the rest of the way through emotional and spiritual wellbeing.